A. S. Hamrah


The Last Week in End Times Cinema digest began on St. Patrick’s Day, 2024, after a week in which I noticed a number of maddening news stories from the world of the movies. I decided to list these items in an Instagram Stories post.

The next week I noticed more movie news stories that roused the same kind of anger. Of course there were more. We are living through a time of great technological ruin and corporate destruction in the film industry, at all levels. So I posted those stories too. I decided I would only post bad news. In putting these together, nothing would dilute my ire.

People seemed to like seeing this every Sunday, and told me so. Meanwhile, I began noticing more and more stories I could include. After five weeks, I decided to email Last Week in End Times Cinema to people I had asked to subscribe. That ended the Instagram Stories posts. I had neglected to add them as Highlights on Instagram, so here they are. The newsletter continues, every Sunday.

March 17, 2024

March 24, 2024

March 31, 2024

April 7, 2024
There is an error in this one.
Ken Loach by my count has directed 36 feature-length films in a career he began in 1964 is what I meant to write.

April 14, 2024

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